Exchanges/ Returns

If you receive your order and for any reason you are not satisfied with the product, you have the right to return it within 14 days from the day you received your package and request an exchange for a different size or product.

The returned product must be in the condition in which it was received. This means:

  • It must not be damaged or worn.
  • It must be in its original condition and accompanied by its packaging (box, label).
  • It must be accompanied by all the documents with which it was delivered.

We will receive the product, check if it meets the above conditions, and send you the new product.

You can return the products to us after contacting us by phone, either in person or by sending the package to the following details:


25is Martiou 86
Postal Code: 13231


+30 6907491301


Tax ID (A.F.M.):


Returns on underwear and swimwear are not accepted for hygiene reasons.

It is clarified that the right to exchange is only supported for orders within Greece, and the shipping costs are borne by the consumer.


You have the right to cancel your order before it is shipped. If your order has been completed and you have been notified of the tracking number via email/SMS, it is not possible to cancel your order.


You can request a refund after contacting us by phone or in person.
The returned product must be in the condition in which it was received. This means:

  • It must not be damaged or worn.
  • It must be in its original condition and accompanied by its packaging (box, label).
  • It must be accompanied by all the documents with which it was delivered.

Partial refunds for orders with multiple products cannot be made. In this case, a voucher equal to the value of the product will be issued for the customer's next order.

Refunds are not provided for products purchased with a discount code, but a voucher equal to the value of the product at the price the order was placed will be issued.